Washington DC:University of Missouri, St. Character Education, Prevention, and Positif Youth Development. Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media.īattistich, Victor. Urgensi Pendidikan Karakter di Indonesia. In general, there is an increase values and attitudes in students by 40%, to 75% -89%, where previously only at the percentage of 35-63%.Īlwisol. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the design of character education courses based on the humanistic approach that has been designed previously, it is known that in 5 times learning processes, 75% of students feel that they have experienced the development of their inner values, 80% feel that each of them knows themselves more deeply than the past, and 87% felt that they had a clearer purpose in life, and 89% said that their inner potential could be more explored and more deep after do sequence of value project and activities.

In this study, the research method used was a survey, in which researcher cited describing the results of the implementation of the learning process in the character education course based on a humanistic approach at UIN Antasari Banjarmasin in 2017 majoring in Islamic Madrasah Teacher Education, with 72 samples. Previously, researcher have conducted development research to produce design of character education course based on humanistic approach. This approach is used in order to provide atmospheric process of learning activities by providing stimulus to students as subjects in the learning process to acquire skills, knowledge, values and attitudes that are able to bring self-awareness as a person. Yuuki Rin rated it psioologi was amazing Jul 30, Trivia About psikologi kepriba Gabriela Putri rated it really liked it Aug 29, Nov 05, Dewi Rahmawati rated it it was amazing.The purpose of this study is to provide an illustration of the implementation resultof the learning design of character education courses based on a humanistic approach. Hayfa Alfa rated it it was amazing Mar 13, Sudono don rated it really liked it Oct 14, Nabilla rated it it was amazing Oct 09, Serunya buku ini ada evaluasi menampilkan kekurangan dan kelebihan tiap teori dari tokoh-tokoh dan tiap bab tetap menyinggung teori psijologi yang pernah dibahas di bab sebelumnya, jadi pembaca bisa ikut memband Ini buku psikologi kepribadian yang menurut saya enak di baca. Preview - psikologi kepribadian by Alwisol. Mar 07, Princess Deka rated it it was amazing. Jan 18, Farida rated it it was amazing Shelves: See all 4 questions about psikologi kepribadian…. Mario Mukti rated it it was amazing Dec 10, Preview - psikologi kepribadian by Alwisol. May 16, Putri Dyah rated it really liked it. To ask other readers questions about psikologi kepribadianplease sign psikkologi. Tri rated it it was ok Apr 03, Chintya Devyna rated it really liked it Mar 04, Sep 24, Andismah rated it really liked it.
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